Winter Solstice

Lyrics, music and choral arrangement by Naomi LaViolette.

SATB a cappella
Duration: 4:45

Note: This is a digital score (PDF).

Price is $3/Copy. Please consider how many copies you need for singers, accompanist and conductor.

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Snow and shadow surround us
Earth is cold and still
Guided only by starlight

Days overtaken swiftly by darkness
The trees sleep and the moon hides

This Winter Solstice we take the time
To look inside our shadows

We’re not afraid of our darkness
We’re not afraid of the hidden places in our hearts

Tears fall as we remember
We write it down, we hold it close
And then we let it burn

Watch it turn to light in the fire
Release into the night
As it dies with the Earth we are reborn
We become barren to return to life

Rest now, and the Earth rests with you